Here is a sampling of my work
as a speechwriter on a variety of subjects for different clients:
Conflict Resolution: "The High Strike . .
. and How to Avoid Unnecessary Disputes" Women in Business: "Bow
Wave: Women Coming to the Fore in High Tech Businesses" Commencement:
"Three Joys You Can Count On" Technology:
"Lighting Up the Sky" Career Planning:
"The Ultimate Solo Flight" Patriotic: "The
Unknown Soldiers in Our Midst" Innovation: "Flower Power and Fire Power" Diversity:
"Building a House for Diversity"
Leadership: "Leadership: It Ought To Be Easy" Quality:
"The Business of Business Is People" Speechwriting:
"Ache for the Impact" Special Occasion:
"Israel at 50" Downsizing: "Prospering
in Lean Times" Transitions: "Surviving
a Near-Death Experience" Supplier Management: "Part
Flows and Dinosaur Toes" Community Affairs and Philanthropy:
"The Lighthouse Effect" Entrepreneurship:
"The Future: It's Closer Than You Think" Dedication
Ceremony: "New Life Along an Old Stream" Fund-Raising:
"Going Supersonic" Globalization:
"Going Global: There's
Something In It For Everyone"